The Self-Care Journals… Part Deaux

LaMonika Taylor, Senior Compliance Officer, Sasol

When LaMonika Taylor was faced with the daunting task of working full-time from home while also managing remote learning for her kids as a result of the continuing pandemic, she was, understandably, overwhelmed. But, she realized fairly quickly that in order to get through it, she’d need to prioritize her self-care.

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The Self-Care Journals

coffee in ceramic mug served on board

As we wind down from the madness that 2020 has wrought and prepare to usher in a much better year (hopefully), let’s be intentional on taking care of our minds, bodies, and spirits. In the Self-Care Journal series, we’ll be talking with three extraordinary women about their strategies for prioritizing self-care in their everyday lives.

In Part One, we speak with Catherine Toppin, Partner at Chicago-based law firm, Fitch Even Tabin & Flannery LLP.

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Working Through A Pandemic – Part Two

In Part Two of our interview series of Working Through a Pandemic, we speak with Jessica, an Operations Manager of a major retailer. Her company was deemed an essential service by the state, which meant that she and her colleagues were permitted to work onsite even when most of the country was on a strict lockdown. She shares some of the obstacles that she faced, including the awkwardness of starting a new job during the country’s deadliest pandemic since 1918 when the flu killed over a half million US citizens.

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