- Money & Career, Resiliency Series
- January 28, 2021
Surviving a Lay-Off… Essential Questions to Ask Your Employer When Facing a Lay-Off
Job loss of any kind can be hard. But it’s especially hard when that loss is unexpected and due to no fault of your own. Aside from the loss of income, which is no small thing, many people also struggle with feeling displaced and devalued. Combine that with feelings of loneliness and grief for the relationships and daily routines that used to provide a sense of comfort and familiarity, and you’ve got a ready-made recipe for panic, anxiety, and depression. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. A job loss, though difficult, is not the end of the world, and can actually serve as a launchpad to the next best thing for you and your career. The key is to approach it with mindfulness, patience, self-compassion, and a bit of strategy. In this two-part series, we offer some tools and advice to weathering the storm of a lay-off. In Part One, we take a look at some of the things you want to ask for and about from your employer when and if you’re laid off…. You sit silently in the room with your boss and the HR rep. They’ve just explained that this is a business decision, nothing,...
- Life Style
- December 24, 2020
Season’s Greetings
We know the holidays are hitting a little differently this year. And it is more than understandable if you, like most of us, are fatigued with this pandemic, with the divisive politics that America has become known for, and with the many struggles and uncertainty that 2020 has brought.
- Motivation
- January 4, 2022
New Year, Newish Me!
AmPopsy…It’s that time again!! You know what it is…it comes every year like clockwork- Happy New Year!! And much like preparing your annual tax return, it is a time for an endless supply of hope that you will receive a kind of windfall in life, quietly fearing the truth will be quite the opposite. But alas, it’s only the first week, so let’s stay hopeful and ambitious, folks!
- Motivation
- January 5, 2022
A Playlist to Start Your New Year Off Right…
The New Year is always a time of hope – hope for new beginnings, hope for a year of endless possibilities, and hope that the future will be brighter than the past. But, starting anew also means that you’re leaving some things behind. Whether that’s a relationship that no longer serves you or a job that you’ve simply outgrown, starting over can be both wildly exciting and immensely terrifying. To help you tame your fears as you move into 2022, we’ve created a playlist that helps you step into this new year with a renewed sense of self, confidence, and an abundance of love for all that we, as black women, bring to the table this year and every year.
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A Playlist to Start Your New Year Off Right…
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New Year, Newish Me!
- January 4, 2022